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Using Your Own Domain

Using a custom domain with Kubeflow on GKE

This guide describes how to use a custom domain with Kubeflow on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

Before you start

This guide assumes you have already set up Kubeflow on GCP. If you haven’t done so, follow the guide to getting started with Kubeflow on GCP.

Using your own domain

If you want to use your own domain instead of ${KF_NAME}.endpoints.${PROJECT}, follow these instructions:

  1. Remove the cloud-endpoints component:

    cd ${KF_DIR}/kustomize
    kubectl delete -f cloud-endpoints.yaml
  2. Set the domain for your ingress to be the fully qualified domain name:

    cd ${KF_DIR}/kustomize
    gvim iap-ingress.yaml    # Or basic-auth-ingress.yaml
    • Find and replace the value for the hostname:

      hostname: <enter your endpoint here>
    • Apply the changes:

      kubectl apply -f iap-ingress.yaml
  3. Get the address of the static IP address created:

    gcloud --project=${PROJECT} compute addresses describe --global ${IPNAME}
  4. Use your DNS provider to map the fully qualified domain specified in the first step to the IP address reserved: in GCP.